Patient Participation Group 2016-2017


The members are dedicated to fund raising. Any monies raised goes back into the local community or is used in support of the access strategy for our patients. Such as 

  • An Open Flu Clinic was held in Newbiggin by the Sea on 22nd November 2016: This clinic was ran out of St Bartholomew’s Church in Newbiggin and a Tea/Coffee and cake stall was run on the afternoon. £48.00 was raised on the day, the proceeds of which went to the church to support a fund for new central heating;
  • Bernicia Funding application: An application was made to Bernicia Homes Ashington to support our PPG in developing the Access Strategy. A total of £300 has been raised which will support the development of regular group sessions on SPMG premises
  • Cancer Awareness Session and fund raiser March 2017: A total of £106.20 was raised for a local cancer charity

What Seaton Park Patient Group have done 2016/2017

SPMG PPG have been very active during the 2016/2017 year in trying to develop the Practices access strategy for our patients. What is an Access Strategy you may ask yourself? 

Well the practice is interested in Social Prescribing and we are developing an Access Strategy to enable this to be implemented.

We are keen to explore new ways to help meet the varied needs of our patients. Research tells us that non clinical interventions in Healthcare have a vast improvement on people’s health, specifically achieving and maintaining wellbeing.

We hope to be able to host regular initiatives for patients moving forward, to engage and educate in conjunction with providers like Carers UK and Alzheimer’s Society, Men’s Health sessions and Diabetes/ Health Awareness etc. 

In addition to the health drives it is hoped that the group can run regular coffee mornings, we are even trying to firm up dates for a knit and natter group. Here is a list of the sessions held so far:

  • Mental Health Awareness May 2016: Participants included: Talking Matters, Delegates from Healthwatch Northumberland, The Northumberland County Blind Association, Alzheimer’s UK and Healthy living advice from Northumberland Care trust
  • Diabetes Awareness August 2016: Participants included: Information from Diabetes UK, Delegates from the Gateshead Retinal Eye Screening Programme, Northumberland County Blind Association, Healthy Eating Advice and a drop in from SPMG Diabetes leads;
  • Self-Care Week November 2016: Participants included: SPMG Pharmacy Team, North Seaton with Ashington Women’s Institute, Healthy Eating Advice, Earth Balance “Men’s Shed” and the Full circle food project. View more information on Self Care.
  • Cancer Awareness March 2017: Participants included: Information from Cancer Research UK, Delegates from Coping with Cancer North East and St Oswald’s Hospice including information from the Daft as a brush Cancer trust. Members also ran a cake stall which enabled them to raise £xx the proceeds of which will go to a local cancer charity

SPMG Film Club

Come along to the SPMG film club run by our Patient Participation Group. Next showing Friday 21st then fortnightly thereafter. 

Film Club

Join Our Patient Group

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. To help in this process we would invite you to join our Patient Group.

If you would be interested in participating you can ask at reception.